99% of the companies in Sonora are MSMEs

SONORA – In Sonora, 99.6% of the established companies belong to the group of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, known as Mipymes, and only 0.4%, or 438, are large companies, with more than 251 workers, according to data from INEGI.
The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) through the National Statistical Directory of Economic Units (Denue), revealed that in Sonora there are 118,824 economic units, of which 118,386 are considered MSMEs.
The way in which companies are classified is based on the number of people they employ; micro companies refer to companies with 1 to 10 workers.
Small companies refer to companies with 11 to 30 workers in the commerce sector and 11 to 50 workers in the case of industry.
Medium enterprise refers to companies with 31 to 100 workers in the case of commerce and 51 to 250 workers in the case of industry.
Large companies refer to work centers with more than 101 workers in the case of commerce and more than 251 in the case of industry.
Within the MSMEs, 89.7% (106,628 economic units) belong to the group of micro enterprises, the small ones; 8.4% (10,017) belong to the group of small enterprises and 1.4% (1,741) belong to the group of medium enterprises.
Source: Expreso