Trailer manufacturer Tyrsol to open its second production site

Trailer manufacturer Tyrsol to open its second production site

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Tanques y Remolques Sol (Tyrsol) will open a new plant to increase its installed capacity by 20% for the production of tanks, hoppers, tippers and platforms, due to the growth potential of the energy and merchandise transport sectors, mainly for automotive goods, said Miguel Vazquez Garza, Director of the Company.

The Company currently operates a plant in Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, with installed capacity for 60 equipments a month.

The factory is expected to start operations during the first half of March and it will represent growth rates of 20% of its staff. Vazquez Garza commented that the company has implemented strategies to be more efficient, such as making pluri-functional the operative staff, to provide better wages and have less staff, thus making the plant more productive and lower the costs.


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