SICT endorses support for space technology

MEXICO – The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), endorsed its support for the approach of the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) to direct space technology to priority social tasks.
At the virtual inauguration of the Second National Congress on Space Activities (CONACES) 2021, organized by the AEM, Jorge Arganis DIaz-Leal, head of the agency, highlighted the work of this organization, such as the completion of two facilities: the first Space Innovation and Development Center, in Atlacomulco, State of Mexico; as well as the Space Telecommunications Center, in the city of Zacatecas, which will be inaugurated soon.
"There is a conviction that space infrastructure is becoming an information superhighway, on which education, economy, communication, health and an endless number of human activities will be able to circulate fluidly," he said.
In view of this, he reiterated his commitment to continue promoting technological development and the talent of the new generations.
Arganis Díaz-Leal expressed his hope that the interest and participation of young people and experts in the areas involved in satellite communications, earth observation and space exploration will be broadened and strengthened.
During his participation, the director general of the AEM, Salvador Landeros Ayala, said that space activities have among their objectives to inspire new generations of space, innovate new technologies and business opportunities and marketing, strengthening the economy of space, protect our planet and discover the mysteries of the universe.
He concluded that space today is underutilized and a relevant issue is national and international cooperation to achieve a better future.
Source: A21