Guanajuato attracts aerospace suppliers

GUANAJUATO – Following the visit of Recaro, a manufacturer of seats for the air and ground transportation industries, the German company said there are business opportunities in the areas of sheet metal and maquilados in the state of Guanajuato.
“By 2022, Recaro plans to invest about US$3.5 million in a six-year plan, starting with sheet metal and later adding maquilados, textiles and plastics”, mentioned Jose De La Garza, Recaro's senior Sourcing Specialist, who traveled to Mexico to visit companies and learn about their capabilities.
"Originally, the plan was only sheet metal, but we have seen the capabilities of Guanajuato and have expanded the project; I think we will be able to do business in the state," added the executive.
The first approach between the German company and the Guanajuato industry took place during the Mexico 2021 Aerospace Fair (FAMEX), held in September of this year, where the state's Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade presented the offer of its industry.
Upon seeing the equipment and systems first hand, the executive considered that these companies are "ready for the aerospace sector" and said that there are business opportunities.
Among the companies that were presented to Recaro were Speqtrum, Boreal Metalworks, Grupo Plasma Automation, Play Club, among others, located in the municipalities of Leon, Celaya, Silao and Apaseo El Grande.
Source: A21