UT Nuevo Laredo and Aerocluster of Tamaulipas join forces

UT Nuevo Laredo and Aerocluster of Tamaulipas join forces

TAMAULIPAS - For the next few years, Mexico will need more than 40 thousand aerospace engineers, according to figures from the Aerocluster of Tamaulipas, for this reason education in the state must join this important sector.

In this sense, the rector of the Technological University of Nuevo Laredo (UT), Jose Antonio Tovar Lara, received the Aerocluster of Tamaulipas, headed by Raul Llamas Cervantes, in order to initiate feasibility work for the establishment of careers related to the aviation and aerospace sector.

“The aerospace supply chain in Mexico has grown 15 percent in recent years, dedicated to aerostructures, design, engineering and space. These sectors are where education needs to be focused, especially in Nuevo Laredo,” explained Llamas Cervantes.

During the meeting, possible points of joint work were discussed, such as the promotion of careers in the aerospace maquila sector.

“We are working and we are interested in collaborating in the aerospace sector, because we know that the industry cannot work in a segmented manner,” explained Rector Tovar Lara.

The Aerocluster of Tamaulipas, was interested in collaborating with the UT Nuevo Laredo, to work as a team for education but especially in the development of careers related to aerospace and aeronautics.

The first meeting was to take the first steps and strengthen the link between UT Nuevo Laredo and the Aerocluster of Tamaulipas.
