Jalisco will invest US$347 million in road network

Jalisco will invest US$347 million in road network

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JALISCO  The Government of the State of Jalisco presented the Plan de Infraestructura Carretera 2019-2024,which will intervene 4,420 kilometers of roads with an investment of US $347 million.


"This is one of the strategic programs of the Government of Jalisco, this is one of the largest bets to be made in this sexennium and its ultimate purpose is to ensure adequate connectivity in our state as a basic principle of competitiveness and economic growth, and also, of course, as a basic principle of social justice and the welfare of the population ... ", said Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, governor of the State.


Jalisco has 6,616 kilometers of roads, of which the majority (4,420.9 km) belong to the state network; the rest are federal (2,196 km). It also has 599 kilometers of toll highways. Its extension makes this road network a fundamental element to enhance economic development and the safe and efficient connectivity of its inhabitants and visitors.


In this regard, the strategic general coordinator of Territory Management, Patricia Martinez Barba, stressed the need to ensure the safety of those who travel on the roads and highways of the entity, since in the last three administrations the abandonment was such that "they were intervened incompletely, in isolated stretches with superficial maintenance and without a formal planning strategy or road management ".


For his part, Alfaro Ramirez explained that the intervention projects will be adapted to the needs of each affectation in the roads. In addition, incomplete projects will be retaken and finished without the need to create new roads but to adapt existing ones to guarantee connectivity with other states.


Source: Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco
