Aeromar announces the definitive termination of its operations

MEXICO - The airline Aeromar, which will definitively cease operations, had until July 2022 a debt of US$20.8 million for the Airport Use Tax (TUA) with the Mexico City International Airport.
In response to the airline's announcement, the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) informed that Aeromar had until February 15 to settle its US$27.1 million debt with the AICM, another US$4 million debt with Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA).
In addition to another debt of an unknown amount corresponding to the Airport Use Tax (TUA) that the administration did not deliver to the government.
"The decision to cease operations responds to a series of financial problems that the airline was going through, as well as the difficulty of closing agreements with viable conditions that would allow Aeromar to ensure its operations in the long term," the airline said.
The Mexican airline began operations on November 7, 1987, and gradually scaled up to achieve regional connectivity and full operational safety in air service in the 21 domestic and 3 international destinations it served.