Aerospace industry has the potential to generate well-paid jobs: STPS

Aerospace industry has the potential to generate well-paid jobs: STPS

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The aerospace industry is a great opportunity for the country to bring qualified and well paid employments, so training young people in this sector is of great importance, said the minister of Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS), Luisa María Alcalde Luján.

During her participation in the inauguration of the Third Aerospace Education Forum, she stated that the ministry wants to contribute to the continued expansion of the industry in Mexico, and they are aware that in order to achieve there’s a need to strengthen the competencies and skills of present and future workers.

Alcalde Luján stressed the importance of the program Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro as a training tool for human capital for the aerospace sector. "It is an unprecedented alliance; we’ve never had such a thing like this between the government and the private sector to add the talent and energy of young people to the transformation of our country."

She recognized the companies in the aerospace sector that have joined the program, "among them is Mexicana MRO Services, which is in Mexico City and M. Aerospace RT in Mexicali, " she said.

Source: Zona Laboral
