Aerospace sector has around 2,000 vacancies

BAJA CALIFORNIA - Nearly 2,000 vacancies in the aerospace industry have not been filled, which has brought caution within the corporations as they cannot guarantee that they will be filled, said the president of the Baja California Aerospace Cluster, Tomas Sibaja Lopez.
He explained that the offer of vacancies in the entire value chain related to this industry is given among the 5 "traditional" municipalities, leaving aside San Quintin and San Felipe, since they do not have this type of industries.
Welders linked to knowledge applied to surface treatments, machinists and computer numerical control machine operators, and blueprint interpreters are the most requested.
Sibaja Lopez assured that this type of specialized technical knowledge is one of the areas to be reinforced, considering that 90% of the unfilled positions are "direct" and the remaining 10% are "indirect".
The situation has reached the point that the leaders of the aerospace companies are cautious about confirming to their corporations whether it is possible to continue growing in view of the deficit of 2,000 vacancies in the region.
"This is because it cannot be guaranteed that there will be enough manpower to meet the need; it is an opportunity that we see for our young people, so that they can continue preparing and developing themselves," he added.
He pointed out that this could be a factor to stop the expansion plans of different industries in the cluster, so he considered it necessary to work with educational institutions, universities and technical schools.