Aguascalientes exports increase in 1Q 2024

AGUASCALIENTES - According to INEGI, exports in Aguascalientes increased for the first quarter of 2024 with respect to its annual comparison.
Through the report "Quarterly Exports by State", for the first three months of the year, the state reached US$3.9 billion in export value.
With this, the state ranks thirteenth nationally in terms of export value.
Chihuahua leads the national ranking with a total value of US$16.7 billion. In contrast, Quintana Roo only reached US$11.2 million.
If we compare the figures for the first quarter of 2024 with those for the same period in 2023, there is a 32.1% growth.
With this, the entity is positioned in 2nd place nationally, being one of those with the highest increase in the value of its exports in annual comparison.
This ranking is headed by Quintana Roo with 349.5%, while in third place is Morelos with 15.9%, followed by Nayarit with 14.8% and Guanajuato with 14.3%.
According to the document, Aguascalientes is in fourth place nationally in the manufacturing sector.
The top 5 is constructed as follows: Nuevo Leon, Mexico City, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes and State of Mexico.
In contrast, the entities with the lowest incidence of manufacturing exports were: Campeche, Tabasco, Michoacán, Oaxaca and Colima.
However, in these states, exports of agricultural, livestock and mining products, among others, prevailed.