AICM is no longer part of the 20 busiest airports

AICM is no longer part of the 20 busiest airports

MEXICO - Mexico City International Airport (AICM) ranked among the top 20 busiest airports in the world last year, however, it fell one place this year, while it was out of the top 20 in cargo movement.

According to the Airports Council International's (ACI World) World Airport Traffic Dataset, AICM fell three places between 2021 and 2022 to finish in 20th place in passenger transport.

Although this air infrastructure registered a 28.3% increase in passenger traffic to 36 million passengers, it was not enough to catch up with Atlanta airport, which ended last year with 93 million passengers.

Of the top 20, 10 airports are in the United States. Almost all have a significant share of domestic passengers (between 75% and 95%). The biggest jump in the rankings is for Heathrow Airport, which moved from 54th to 8th place, as the UK government lifted all travel restrictions in March 2022 after two years of restrictions.

Meanwhile, for aircraft movements, the Mexican capital's airport was number 19 in 2022, although it fell two places since it was ranked 17th in the previous year. Once again, Atlanta's airfield was first.

ACI World specified that the global passenger total exceeded 6.6 billion in 2022, representing a 43.8% increase from 2021 or a 72.5% recovery from the pre-pandemic result.
