AIQ ranked third in cargo transportation

QUERETARO – Queretaro International Airport (AIQ) ranked as the third terminal in the country with the highest cargo flow during March.
According to the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), this airport moved 5,439 tons of goods in March 2021, which is only behind the international airports of Guadalajara (18,514 tons) and Mexico City (49,201).
During the first quarter of the year, the AIQ shows an important activation in cargo movement; in March it surpassed by 51.2% the tons mobilized in the same month of the previous year, when 3,597.8 tons were transported.
March's annual variation is the highest among the first months of the year: in January it was of 32.6% in cargo flow, while in February the variation was of 36.9%.
The cargo reported by AIQ in the third month of the year was mainly domestic, which represented 63.6% of the total (3,461.1 tons) and 36.4% (1,977.8 tons) of international cargo.
In the first three months of the year, Queretaro's airport moved 14,764.4 tons of cargo, a figure that represents a 40.3% increase over the January-March 2020 period, when it amounted to 10,522.9 tons.
It is worth mentioning that during the January-March period, domestic cargo increased by 40.9% and international cargo increased by 39.2% at an annual rate.
Source: El Economista