Air navigation services begin at AIFA

MEXICO – The Felipe Angeles International Airport S.A. de C.V. and Airspace Navigation Services (Seneam) signed a collaboration agreement in order to allow the agency to occupy the aerodrome's Control Tower and start providing air navigation services.
The agreement establishes that Seneam personnel will start their formal activities before the official inauguration of the Felipe Angeles Aerodrome, in order to verify the efficient operation of facilities and aeronautical systems.
Thus, the Aerodrome Flight Information Services, Automatic Terminal Information Services, Radio Aids to Navigation and Aeronautical Telecommunications; Meteorological Reports and Forecasts, as well as Operating Procedures with the Military Air Base No. 1, located next to the aerodrome, will begin.
"The AIFA Control Tower will be at the forefront of air traffic management, since infrastructure and innovative techniques are being adopted in a timely and efficient manner in the provision of air navigation services, and around 30 specialists will work there, including controllers, dispatchers, meteorologists and engineers," the SICT said in a statement.
Source: A21