Aircraft explosion drill conducted at Guadalajara International Airport

GUADALAJARA, JAL - As part of the twelfth GAP security symposium, the Guadalajara International Airport carried out a full-scale simulation of an explosive alert on an Aeromexico plane with a Mexico-Los Angeles route that made a stopover in Guadalajara to be attended by airport authorities.
Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP) carries out this type of simulation once a year by regulation in order to train personnel and security elements to be prepared in case of an emergency situation.
The Director of the Guadalajara International Airport, Martin Pablo Zazueta Chavez, said that these exercises are carried out on a real scale and must be applied in order to ensure that the people inside the airport are aware of the protocols to be followed in case of an emergency.
"The exercise has to be carried out at least once every two years, they are full-scale exercises although due to the size of the Guadalajara airport we hold them once a year and we do cabinet drills," said Martin Pablo Zazueta, director of the Guadalajara International Airport.
He added that today's scenario was a bomb threat drill, which was what passengers saw in flight on a route that did not even touch the Guadalajara airport.
For this exercise, an emergency operator center was formed by a collegiate body directed by the aeronautical authority and authorities from the National Guard, customs, immigration, airport administration and the affected airline.
It is worth mentioning that operations at the airport were not interfered with for this operation.