Alberto Bustamante leaves INA

MEXICO - In a press release sent to the media, the National Auto Parts Industry (INA) informed that Alberto Bustamante González left the position of General Director of the association.
The executive also served INA as Director of Foreign Trade and Government Relations. In October 2021, Bustamante was appointed Executive President following the departure of Óscar Albín. In January 2022, Alberto Bustamante was reappointed as Chief Executive Officer of INA, and Francisco González has served as Executive Chairman since then.
From his position as General Director, he was also representative and negotiator in the Fourth Roundtable for the Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA, NAFTA-MUEM, CPTPP, Pacific Alliance, Brazil, Argentina.
He lobbied with Federal, state and local governments, worked on legislation on Foreign Trade, Standardization, Labor and Federal Labor Law, in addition to being a lecturer, participating in business meetings, leadership and training and in the coordination of Committees and Congresses.