All predictions will be overtakenby technology

All predictions will be overtakenby technology

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By Graeme Stewart

E-commerce is part of a new industrial revolution that will totally change the face of not only manufacturing industries but also humankind in general.
Enrique Culebro of Central Media made that fascinating claim.

The claims are not new, as they have previously been espoused by such entrepreneurs as Carlos Slim, the Mexican businessman recognized as one of the wealthiest men in the world, and Chris Anderson, founder and CEO of California-based 3D Robotics.

Yet to hear them spoken somehow brought home the recognition that the world is changing at a furious pace – that science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact.

Mr. Culebro explained his views to MEXICONOW:

“The new industrial revolution will change everything, not only E-commerce but also human behavior through things like the arrival of robotics in everyday life, the fact that in the future we can be connected everywhere and work from home and the development of 3D printing that will allow us to get whatever we want in our homes in 30 minutes or less.”

“I am talking about the future within 10, 20 or 30 years. I think it will be even more surprising than the things we are presently expecting because of the exponential growth of technology advances. The future will be different to what we expect and exponentially bigger and that could bring a lot of amazing things and also, without a doubt, chaos – chaos because it will be difficult to understand all the changes that are going to take place.”

He added: “The chaos will be managed, I think, but a lot of things that are happening right now are difficult to understand, such as the fall of a lot of big enterprises, like Kodak, and a lot of major computing players. Today, very young companies are the leaders in their fields. So the future will be very surprising, the lives of the companies will be shorter and will be replaced by even younger companies.”

“The work of the future has to involve a lot more brainwork. We need to change the manufacturing work that we have today as many workers will be replaced by robotics. So workers will have to change, just as they changed during the original industrial revolution.”

“In that way, I think we can solve a lot of problems such as poverty, clean water and sanitation with technology. All the evidence shows that there are a lot of optimistic leaders and scientists that consider that those problems could be solved with technology. They also consider that the problem of what to do with the workforce has to be resolved in some way – we don’t know exactly how but there are a lot of theories such as shorter working days, not to work eight hours a day but four or six hours and distribute the income and to use the extra time off to develop ideas on how to enhance human life, like art and sports.”

“It is difficult, it is abstract and there are a lot of skeptics, a lot of people who think the future will be awful once artificial intelligence arrives, that it will be the end of humanity. But a lot of the people that I follow think that this is the way to evolve, that it is the next step for humankind in its evolution and we have to be optimistic about that.”

Robotic Surgery OR, Hospital San José (HSJ), ITESM
“There is a concentration of people in California’s Silicon Valley that is interested in those topics. There are many big entrepreneurs collaborating and trying to understand what is going to happen in the future, trying to apply statistics, science and projections to their theories.”

“There have been vast technological advances in, for instance, agriculture that make it possible today for everyone to eat, despite 19th century predictions that the world’s food supply would run out because of the ever-growing population. It will be something similar in the future, all predictions will be overtaken by technology.”

US economist, social theorist, writer, public speaker and political advisor Jeremy Rifkin is another advocate of the Third Industrial Revolution.

In a recent study, he said: “It is becoming increasingly clear that the Second Industrial Revolution is dying and that industrial induced CO2 emissions are threatening the viability of life on Earth. What we need now is a bold new economic narrative that can take us into a sustainable post-carbon future.”

“The great economic revolutions in history occur when new communication technologies converge with new energy systems. New energy revolutions make possible more expansive and integrated trade. Accompanying communication revolutions manage the new complex commercial activities made possible by the new energy flows.”

“Today, Internet technology and renewable energies are beginning to merge to create a new infrastructure for a Third Industrial Revolution (TIR) that will change the way power is distributed in the 21st century. In the coming era, hundreds of millions of people will produce their own renewable energy in their homes, offices, and factories and share green electricity with each other in an ‘Energy Internet’ just like we now generate and share information online.

“The establishment of a Third Industrial Revolution infrastructure will create thousands of new businesses and millions of jobs and lay the basis for a sustainable global economy in the 21st century.”

And author Peter Marsh explains in his book “The New Industrial Revolution” the following:

The new industrial revolution started around 2005 and will probably last for about 50 years. It is characterized by seven principal themes:

  1. The intertwining and blending of a great many new and different technologies, taking in disciplines such as novel materials, automation and bio processing.
  2. The increasing separation of industry into pockets of specialty or niche activities.
  3. The growing importance of making products not on a mass scale but in a customized or personalized manner.
  4. The evolving role of complex intellectual or material networks linking the world either with new thinking and ideas, or proving a conduit for the transfer of products and materials.
  5. The growth in importance of the effect of small concentrations of businesses and other organizations in specific geographic areas and which help each other to achieve greater global impact through cluster effects.
  6. The way in which China's recent and rapid re-emergence as a world economic superpower has not only helped companies and other groups inside this country but also has benefited other organizations around the world.
  7. And finally, the way manufacturers are using the power of their products as a means to help the world to lessen the negative impact of other parts of human activity on the environment.”

He couldn’t have put it better.

E-commerce will enable these trends and actually act as a catalyst of the third industrial revolution.
