AMLO inaugurates access road to AIFA

MEXICO - The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, inaugurated the Puente de Fierro (Ecatepec)-AIFA highway, known as Camino Tonanitla; during the ceremonial act, he assured that it is the most important main road, without toll charges, to reach the air terminal.
He explained that it has a length of 14.1 kilometers with an investment of public resources of US$406 million, and no toll will be charged to travel on it.
"This highway will benefit 2.5 million inhabitants of Ecatepec, Tecámac, Tonanitla, Nextlalpan and Zumpango, as well as those who travel from Indios Verdes on the free highway towards Pachuca to Via Morelos at the height of Puente de Fierro," he said.
The President emphasized that the Tonanitla Road will shorten travel times and will contribute to orient urban development in the Valley of Mexico towards areas of greater viability, with resources for responsible use.
In this way this road adds to the connectivity of access to the Felipe Angeles International Airport, previously the highway to Pachuca was expanded and the Suburban Train will be extended.