AMLO’s airport will aggravate chaos: experts

MEXICO CITY - The creation of a new airline as proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, far from helping to reduce airline ticket prices, will generate more chaos in Mexico's aviation industry, which suffers from a concentration in Mexico City and urgently needs to be reorganized, agreed specialists.
Fernando Gómez Suárez, airport specialist and guest professor of the Universidad Panamericana's master's program, affirmed that there is poor communication in the country's air transportation.
"Everything is concentrated in Mexico City, there are risks of collision due to this saturation, there are excessive charges or prices for airlines and therefore for passengers, on some routes, there are destinations that are not covered," he detailed.
Regarding a new airline, he said that this idea is being generated by the government, because it will not be the government's, to create an airline with the brand rights of Mexicana Airlines and two assets, which are offices and a training workshop.
"The only thing that is known about this airline is that it will be managed by a private company that administers airports and railway services Tolteca-Maya-Mexica, which is made up of retired military personnel.
In February 2022, during his participation in the Mexican Air Force Day, held in Santa Lucia, State of Mexico, the Federal Chief Executive made the corresponding announcement.
In the first instance, he celebrated that the Army assumed one of the missions it had kept forgotten, which is related to the contribution to the country's development, an activity that is now being carried out in the great works of the 4T, such as the Santa Lucia Airport, the Mayan Train, the Welfare Bank, among others.
He then revealed that he decided to create a company called "Olmeca, Maya, Mexica", which will manage the Felipe Angeles civil airport, as well as the new Tulum airport, the Chetumal airport and the Palenque airport.