Anáhuac to become a Free Trade Zone

NUEVO LEON - During the work tour made by Nuevo Leon authorities to municipalities in the north of the state and Laredo, it was informed that in the next few days a decree will be signed to convert the Anahuac zone into a duty free and tax free zone.
The Federal Ministries of Finance and Economy will decree that the entire area of Colombia, a space of 14 kilometers between Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Leon, will become a duty free zone, as detailed by the government of Nuevo Leon.
It was detailed that the measure would be applied so that those investments arriving to Nuevo Leon would be exempt from paying taxes such as ISR, VAT, IEPS, among others.At this same site, the state authorities confirmed the opening of new toll booths to increase from 6 to 13 at the Colombia Bridge, and the extension of lanes from 6 to 10; as well as a Paisano Program Attention Office.The City of Laredo, Texas recently announced that the planned expansion of the International World Trade Bridge received a significant boost due to a provision that was included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24 NDAA) to streamline the Presidential permitting process.
According to Marco Gonzalez, Nuevo Leon's Secretary of Regional Development and Agriculture, the objective of the expansion is to consolidate the border crossing as the fastest and safest in Mexico. He specified that during this year, the expansion of the export and import lanes and the crossing booths will continue.