Audi achieves 10% wage increase to end strike

PUEBLA - Audi Mexico announced that it agreed with the union of its plant in the center of the country a direct increase in workers' salaries of 7% for 2024, plus a 3.2% increase in benefits, although it clarified that the agreement must be ratified in a vote by the employees.
The workers of the German manufacturer of high-end vehicles, part of the Volkswagen Group, went on strike at the end of January at its Puebla plant -the only one it has in the country- after failing to negotiate a contract revision for this year.
"Audi Mexico will once again provide all the necessary conditions so that the employees can ratify this agreement through a direct vote, regardless of the regulations and laws in force," said Audi, without offering details on when the new agreement,
Labor Secretary Marath Bolaños said the agreement will be put to the workers for their consideration.
Originally, the union had asked for a 15.5% wage increase and the company offered 6.5%.