Audi Mexico inaugurates new industrial building

PUEBLA - Audi Mexico inaugurated the new A71 logistics building, which will mark a milestone in the factory's new generation of infrastructure. It will fulfill the objective of improving logistics processes, streamlining operations and reducing waiting times.
This strategy, designed with an innovative approach to vehicle production, reflects the four rings brand's commitment to innovation, the future and excellence in the supply chain.
The inauguration of the industrial building, named industrial building A71, is the result of the innovation strategy pursued by Audi Mexico.
The objective of its construction is to guarantee the new storage needs of the parts for the construction of the Audi Q5, making the San José Chiapa plant one of the most attractive of the consortium by maximizing the available space, while guaranteeing a safe and efficient flow of materials.
Eighty percent of this warehouse is allocated to a warehousing strategy and the other 20% to parts supply operations for the assembly lines and internal supermarkets, where logistics operators prepare parts in sequence according to production needs. The industrial building will have a construction space of 11,120 square meters, including the technical areas.
"Audi Mexico is a company in constant motion that seeks technological and process innovation," said Francisco Bravo, director of Supply Chain at Audi Mexico.
The construction of the A71 warehouse will address current challenges and also bring the supply chain closer to the future, generating significant optimization in logistics processes and greater efficiency in the company's overall operations.