Auto parts employment is expected to reach an all-time record by the end of 2023: INA

MEXICO - The National Auto Parts Industry (INA) announced that it expects to set a new employment record for the sector by the end of 2023, with a forecast of 891,000 people, surpassing the 2018 figure of 886,000 workers in Mexico.
The association highlighted that the country has the strategic advantage of having the qualified human capital to meet the demand of plants and assemblers, since the number of graduates in engineering and technical careers in the country, during the period from 2021 to 2022, was about 124,000 people, representing 15% of the country's total.
In addition, the INA explained that each state of the republic has a specific relevance to contribute to the industry, giving as an example Nuevo Leon, where graduates in these fields also represent 15% of the entity and has 172 automotive plants dedicated, for example, to the manufacture of coatings, exhaust parts, safety systems and shock absorbers.
In contrast, Coahuila registered around 8,000 graduates in engineering and technical careers in the 2021-2022 period, which represents 34% of the state's total. INA indicated that there are 215 plants in Coahuila that produce steel parts, seats, moldings and brake system parts.
On the other hand, INA commented that Mexico continues to consolidate its position as one of the main auto parts producers in the world, occupying the fourth position after surpassing Germany in 2021 and below China, the United States and Japan. It is estimated that, by the end of 2023, the production value of these components in the country will be around US$109 billion, mainly due to exports.
The main automotive parts sold abroad in 2022 were harnesses, wires and cables; die-cut parts and bodywork accessories; seats and their parts; gearboxes; brake mechanisms and internal combustion engines, with a total export value of US$89 billion.