Automotive company interested in setting up in Coahuila

COAHUILA - Businessmen from Asia, dedicated to the automotive industry have shown their interest in investing in Monclova, Coahuila to settle in that area and generate more jobs in the central region of the state.
During his economic tour in Asia, Governor Manolo Jimenez Salinas met with the directors of this company, whose name was reserved, to expose the competitive advantages that each zone of Coahuila has and the economic indexes that the entity has.
Jiménez emphasized that one of the objectives is to bring development to all the regions, for which reason the benefits and characteristics of the state were highlighted during the economic promotion tour.
As part of the Coahuila Global work axis, efforts have been made to diversify the economy in the regions, taking advantage of the nearshoring phenomenon, mainly highlighting the safety and quality of the labor force.
The Coahuila delegation, with the support of the Mexican Embassy in China, met with important global automotive companies interested in investing in the state.
After the work tables, interviews and meetings that Manolo Jiménez and his team had during the Beijing Auto Show, the Coahuila delegation will travel to Shanghai, China, and later to Japan, to close deals with companies that worked during the transition period.