Automotive industry in Puebla bets on automation

PUEBLA – The automotive and auto parts sector of the local National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), indicated that for 2022 it will continue with the strategy of generating savings, which implies having to reduce the workforce in operational areas with automation.
Luis Espinosa Rueda, president of the organization, mentioned that in view of the uncertain outlook due to the Covid-19 pandemic, companies in the sector will not open hiring at least during the first two months of the year, and after that date it will be minimal.
In this context, he explained that the contraction of the automotive market worldwide still persists, which has impacted Puebla because its exports are concentrated mainly in the production of Volkswagen de Mexico, which is fundamental for the economic development of the state.
He pointed out that these would be forced investments for some of the 85 suppliers who consider that they have more personnel and only need some specialized labor for quality supervision tasks in the finishing of components.
The leader reiterated that it is a matter of making some activities efficient, especially in Tier 1 and Tier 2, which must take care of their quality as suppliers of the Volkswagen de México and Audi assembly plants, located in Puebla.
Source: El Economista