Baja California and Chihuahua lead in labor quality

MEXICO – Baja California and Chihuahua, representatives of the northern border of the country, were the states that presented the best labor quality conditions in the whole country at the end of the third quarter of 2021, after the degradation in the labor market caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the July-September period of the current year, two entities were placed in green traffic light, which is the high level.
First place goes to Baja California with 83.6 points out of 100 possible points; second place went to Chihuahua with 82.4 points.
Baja California returned to occupy the first place after Aguascalientes displaced it the previous quarter, a state that after a year and a half retook the first national step in the quality and competition conditions of the labor market.
Since the second quarter of 2019, one of these two states has occupied the first place in this index, a situation that is important due to the decrease caused by the pandemic.
Baja California's strengths derive from registering low thresholds of underemployment, informality, partial employment and unemployment.
Meanwhile, the state of Chihuahua stood out for having the lowest employment rate in the informal sector and the second lowest in partial employment and unemployment.
The lowest scores were in San Luis Potosi (33.2 points), Campeche (31.6), State of Mexico (30.9), Tabasco (26.2), Mexico City (25.8) and Tlaxcala (10.5), all in red traffic light.
Source: El Economista