Baja California is committed to workers’ health

TIJUANA – Given the imminent resurgence of COVID-19 infections in the region, the industrial sector of Baja California through the Association of the Maquiladora and Export Industry INDEX Coastal Zone, endorses the commitment made since the beginning of the pandemic to prioritize the health of employees, said Luis Manuel Hernandez, president of the business organization.
"Since the beginning of the health contingency, the industry was concerned about following each of the recommendations issued by the authority with the intention of taking care of the health of its associates and prevent contagion, without affecting the sources of work," said Hernandez.
As part of these measures, INDEX Zona Costa has promoted the installation of thermal cameras at access points of work centers, a system that serves to create an entry line where several readings can be taken at once and once a temperature greater than 38.1 degrees is identified, an alert is triggered.
Another project that was launched to address the pandemic was the start of operations of "GlecoLab", a laboratory specialized in quick tests for COVID-19, a private initiative that allows the industrial sector to test their workers obtaining the results themselves, allowing those who test positive to be isolated immediately and thus avoiding transmission.
The executive recalled that visits have also been made to several companies in the region by state authorities, where they have noted the level of health safety protocols adopted within the companies, witnessing their processes and endorsing and recognizing their effectiveness.
Source: El Sol de Tijuana