Baja California seeks to strengthen IT and Aerospace industries

MEXICALI, BC – The State Government's talent development strategy, which will strengthen key industries that generate well-paying jobs, is moving forward with proposals for the training and updating of students and professionals in the information technology (IT) and aerospace industries, which will be presented to educational institutions.
The Undersecretary of Investment Management of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation (SEI), Rodolfo Andrade Pelayo, informed that following up on the initiative presented by the Governor of Baja California, Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda, the work tables with academia and leading companies in a triple helix scheme are moving forward.
In a meeting held at Cetys Universidad Campus Mexicali, with the presence of the companies Red7, ICONOS, GrupoRed, SparkTechnologies and Trimble, it was corroborated that there is a high need for talent in IT, so actions were outlined to inspire, mature and professionalize the sector and communicate to high school students the advantages offered by a career in this area such as high salaries, work flexibility and entrepreneurship opportunities.
During the session, César Higuera from Monobits, Issac González from Cuatro Punto Cero and the director of Engineering at Cetys, Juan Terrazas, explained that in order to improve the training of those already studying, it is possible to facilitate participation in real projects to solve industry problems, develop technical skills in programming with current languages and tools and also "soft skills", such as the ability to collaborate with professionals from other areas.
At the aerospace industry work table, in which Collins Avionics and Aerospace, Honeywell, Gulfstream, Furokawa and Kenworth participated, the director of the Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus Mexicali pointed out the importance of coordination between educational institutions.
For her part, the director of Innovation and Technology Promotion of the SEI, Dulce Berenisse Rodriguez Lopez, said that updating teachers, continuing education, shared infrastructure, English language skills and the use of educational platforms already available are alternatives that will enable the challenges to be faced quickly.