Baja California stands out in manufacturing growth

BAJA CALIFORNIA – During the first half of this year, Baja California was the state with the highest annual growth in the level of production of its manufacturing industries as a whole.
In that period, it accumulated a value of US$6.4 billion, which represented an annual increase of 59.9% in real terms, its historical maximum, placing it in first place nationally, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
This result translated into a 118.6% increase in transportation equipment manufacturing, which represented 60.8% of the state's total.
Other important increases occurred in basic metal industries (28.3%), beverage and tobacco industries (21.6%) and the paper industry (4.9%), although the second most important subsector, the food industry, fell by 4.8% in real annual terms.
Source: El Economista