Bajio Aerospace Cluster seeks to attract companies from Guanajuato

GUANAJUATO – The Bajío Aerospace Cluster seeks to attract companies from Guanajuato that have the necessary capabilities to migrate to the aeronautical industry and strengthen the activities of this sector in the state.
Currently, the cluster has managed to get three automotive companies to start the migration process; among its short-term objectives is to find and convert at least three more companies.
According to Óscar Rodríguez Yáñez, director of the Aeroclúster, automotive manufacturing is a very strong activity in the state, therefore the possibility of attracting other companies and taking advantage of their capabilities in aviation is being planned.
According to Óscar Rodríguez Yáñez, director of the Aeroclúster, automobile manufacturing is a very strong activity in the state, so the possibility of attracting other companies and taking advantage of their capabilities in aviation is being planned.
"We are starting to show entrepreneurs the business opportunities offered by this industry. Aeronautics is not an easy sector, but the people who enter and maintain a constant work, generate a better performance for their company", the engineer indicated.
Among the automotive companies preparing its entry into the aeronautical sector is Grupo Plasma, a company dedicated to process automation, precision machining, manufacturing and the creation of customized machines.
This company is creating a business unit called CEI Aerospace, specialized in the aeronautical sector.
Source: A21