Bajío Cluster is an important player in the aerospace ecosystem: FEMIA

GUANAJUATO - The Bajío Aerospace Cluster has the potential to become an important player within the Mexican ecosystem of the aerospace sector, said Carlos Robles Álvarez, president of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA).
In an interview with A21, he pointed out that this cluster is very dynamic and proof of this is that the company Horizontec has already built an airplane, El Halcón 2.
He mentioned that FEMIA will always support this type of initiatives since it seeks to collaborate in the development of supply with authorities.
During the BJX Aerospace Summit 4.0, 2023, held in recent days in the city of León, Guanajuato, within the framework of the Industrial Transformation Mexico (ITM) 2023 Fair, the need for union between the different aerospace clusters in the country was discussed.
The president of FEMIA commented that the clusters of the Bajío, Querétaro, Chihuahua, Baja California, Tamaulipas, Monterrey and Sonora should be seen as a single player, in other words, Mexico, because if the country wins, everyone wins.
He indicated that each cluster has a very important value for the Mexican aerospace ecosystem. Each cluster has its own needs, opportunities, challenges, geographic location, as well as the companies that make it up.
For this reason, he said, collaboration is the key word for FEMIA to promote in all the clusters of the national aerospace ecosystem.
For this reason, he said, collaboration is the key word for FEMIA to promote in all the clusters of the national aerospace ecosystem.
He indicated that we must try to put egos aside, since the cake is big enough to share a little piece of it.
Robles Álvarez said that by 2023, aerospace exports could surpass pre-pandemic figures, estimating that they will exceed US$9.5 billion.