BC seeks to maintain its leadership in the country’s aerospace industry

MEXICALI, BC - The ProBaja team had a successful participation in the "Mexico 2023 Aerospace Fair", where they had the opportunity to generate contacts with potential investors and promote the region as a leader in the aerospace sector.
Cristina Hermosillo, president of Tijuana's Economic and Industrial Development (Deitac), said that Tijuana and Baja California in general was present at this event.
"The idea was to participate in a work agenda in this Mexico 2023 Aerospace Fair, in which we had a representation as a state to continue strengthening business relationships between aerospace companies already established in Mexico and the region, as well as to look for potential international companies," she noted.
The leader explained that this was the fifth edition of the Mexico 2023 Aerospace Fair, where France was the special guest country, represented by Jean-Pierre Azvazadourian, Ambassador of France in Mexico.
The event was attended by more than 600 national and foreign companies from the aerospace sector from 47 countries, with the aim of promoting the economic development of this industry in Mexico, as well as attracting more direct investment from abroad and generating more jobs.
Cristina Hermosillo emphasized the importance of establishing potential contacts that could be integrated to the aerospace industry in Baja California for the manufacturing of parts as well as for supplying.
The leader highlighted that Baja California has the largest and most important aerospace industry in the country, with around 80 plants that generate 17,000 jobs, which is why the region is considered a leader in this industry.