Bendix invests US$57 million in its fourth plant in Coahuila

ACUÑA, COAH – Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems (Bendix), a company specialized in the manufacture and assembly of anti-lock braking systems (ABS), has announced the investment of US$57 million for Plant IV in the municipality of Acuña, Coahuila, dedicated to the manufacture of braking systems for commercial vehicles.
The plant will use highly automated manufacturing processes and will produce Global Scalable Brake Control (GSBC) and Global Scalable Air Treatment (GSAT) technologies, which are new modular global braking control and air treatment systems designed to adapt to customer needs in diverse markets.
The robust integration of core and advanced technologies in the plant will allow for more flexible installation options, facilitating the ability to adapt to different vehicle platform requirements and needs. In addition, advanced GSBC and GSAT diagnostics and capabilities will enable automated management.
The new Bendix plant will have an area of 17,188 square meters and will be added to the 38,276 square meters in operation in Acuña. In addition, the company is a supplier of air dryers, compressors, valves, actuators and integrated vehicle modules for brake systems in the automotive sector.
"I am grateful for today's decision to announce the fourth plant in Ciudad Acuña. This investment of US$57 million, which adds up to more than 180 jobs, is something that moves Acuña's economy at crucial times for our state," stated Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, governor of Coahuila.
In his speech, the state minister of Economy, Claudio Bres Garza, highlighted the work carried out by the Government of Coahuila to attract investments and generate jobs in the five regions and to guarantee the economic development of the entire state.