Big Auto Manufacturer Expands in Baja California

BAJA CALIFORNIA – A leading manufacturer of automobile wheels plans to invest US$70 million expanding operations in Baja California, state officials announced.
The multinational “Prime Wheel Mexico” plans to expand its production of automobile rims from 5 million a year to 5.5 million, which will create an additional 1,500 - 2,000 jobs in Baja California, according to Mario Escobedo, the state’s Secretary of Sustainable Economy and Tourism (SEST).
“Despite the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, our state has not lost its momentum of progress,” said Escobedo. “We are pleased to welcome this investment, which could generate up to 2,000 formal jobs.”
Tijuana, a hub for automobile and electronic manufacturing, is home to giant original equipment manufacturers like Toyota and Hyundai, as well as smaller companies specializing in auto parts and additive manufacturing.
Prime Wheel Mexico, a company with foreign capital from China and the United States, was established in Tijuana in May 2010. Jaime CarreOn, the comptroller for Prime Wheel Mexico, said the company provides services to “Daimler Chrysler LLC,” “Ford Motor Company” “BMW” “Tesla” “General Motors Corp” and “Mitsubishi Motor America INC.,”
The company’s current facilities are on a 141,000-square meters property with a 53,000-square meters industrial warehouse. The company’s subsidiaries and parent company “Shen Wang” and “Prime Wheel Corp.” operate in China and the United States.
Source Border Now August 2020 edition