Bosch Mexico achieves 17.9% growth

MEXICO - Bosch Mexico closed its fiscal year 2022 with sales of US$3.4 billion, including sales of non-consolidated companies and internal deliveries to affiliated companies, which means a growth of 17.9% compared to 2021.
Consolidated sales to third parties amounted to US$1.1 billion. For 2023, Bosch Mexico is optimistic about its prospects and sees promising opportunities for expansion and development in the country.
The positive performance in a challenging context had its roots, among several causes, in a good sales evolution of the business sectors: Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Energy and Building Technology and Consumer Goods; all with a favorable evolution in 2022.
In addition, the company highlighted the double-digit growth of the Automotive Parts, Power Tools, Building Technology and Home Heaters and Industrial Boilers business divisions.
"Such accelerated growth as that shown by Bosch Mexico is only possible if, at the same time, we provide a social benefit in the same dimension," said René Schlegel, president of Bosch Mexico.
Although various global economic risks remain latent, Bosch Mexico in the last two years has announced investments in the country for more than US$1 billion and can already officialize the first investment for 2023 of US$236 million in its Aguascalientes plant for the production of automotive braking assistance systems.
In Mexico alone, Bosch has 165 environmental projects underway: 24 for the reduction of emissions, 62 for energy saving, 48 linked to the efficient use of water and 31 for waste disposal. Globally, Bosch has the goal for 2030 that the supply chain fully shares its vision of sustainability.