BRP inaugurates third plant in Juarez

JUAREZ, CHIH - Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) inaugurated its third plant in Juarez, Chihuahua, dedicated to the manufacture of jet skis, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles.
The new plant, located at 11500 Francisco Villarreal Boulevard in the Partido Senecú neighborhood, will generate more than 2,000 direct jobs and will have a production capacity of 20,000 vehicles per year.
The inauguration ceremony was led by Governor Maru Campos, who emphasized that this investment is a sign of BRP's commitment to Chihuahua and the economic development of the state.
"This day we celebrate together with BRP the more than 2,000 jobs that are already a reality for the people of Juarza and are part of the more than 8,000 workers of the company in Chihuahua," said the state governor.
For his part, the president of BRP Powersports, Sandy Scullion, expressed that this new plant reflects the effort and dedication of all those involved, and means a contribution to the economic development of the state.
"This opening reflects our commitment to Chihuahua, with strong ties to all three levels of government," said Scullion. "In addition, our company understands that its development goes hand in hand with the progress of its employees, which is why we prioritize our social responsibility program."
The new BRP plant in Juarez is an example of the economic strength of Chihuahua, which in the last two years has attracted US$4.5 billion in foreign investment and made 100 new investments.