Business leaders gather to promote Tijuana-San Diego border region

SAN DIEGO — The Borderless Business Congress is gathering, virtually, in order to encourage and emphasize investment opportunities in the Tijuana-San Diego region.
Business leaders from both the U.S. and Mexico believe the border is ripe with boundless opportunities for companies and corporations, saying there’s more room to grow in an area that’s already booming with thousands of maquiladoras and factories owned by worldwide interests.
“The Cali-Baja region is a unique bi-national location recognized globally for its strong business infrastructure, technology, tourism and investment opportunities,” said Baja California minister of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (SEST) Mario Escobedo Carignan.
“This is an opportunity for professionals and industry leaders across a variety of sectors to come together and collaborate on ways to make this region even stronger,” he added.
Representatives from leading global companies such as Amazon, GE, Safran, Scantibodies, Pfizer, Prime Wheel, Deloitte, Thermofisher and others are participating in the eight-day conference.
“We have companies that have decided to establish their manufacturing plus design centers here and this is a great opportunity for these companies,” said Carlos Higuera of the Tijuana Economic Development Council.
Higuera says the region has plenty of room for other companies that want to take advantage of having offices north of the border with manufacturing plants just south of it.
“The idea is for them to understand what we have here in California and Baja California,” said Higuera.
According to Higuera, investment here also generates jobs on both sides of the border improving the economy of both countries.
“This kind of research and development centers, instead of taking away jobs from the U.S., in this case they bring better opportunities for people looking for new kind of fields to apply their knowledge and their talents,” Higuera said.
“This is a great place to have opportunities for both parts of the border.”
Source: Border Report