Cansino plans to establish a production center in Mexico

QUERETARO – CansinoBIO announced a plan to establish a vaccine production and distribution center in Mexico in collaboration with Drugmex.
The laboratory said that with this it seeks to democratize vaccines for the Latin American population, which include Covid-19 vaccines in their intramuscular and inhalable versions, among others in its portfolio.
The company transferred its single-use technology to Drugmex's production plant in Queretaro.
The plant invested US$40 million to make the necessary adjustments for the formulation and filling of up to 90 million doses. In addition, the workforce was increased by 56%.
Drugmex has been operating for 8 years in the municipality of El Marques, Queretaro and the general director, Jorge Palomino, said that in Mexico there are few companies that manufacture vaccines, which makes the company dependent on other countries.
In addition to being CansinoBIO's entry into Latin America, Mexico is relevant for the company since it is one of the collaborating countries in the clinical trials; of the 45,000 participants, 15,000 were Mexican.
"Due to the situation we still face because of Covid-19, our focus remains on the production of the Convidecia vaccine; and then others in our portfolio," said Mariana Duran, CansinoBIO's Business Alliances Manager for Latin America.
It is worth mentioning that the World Health Organization (WHO) approved the use of CanSino Biologics' Chinese vaccine Convidencia against Covid-19 in May this year.