Car sales in Chihuahua recover

CHIHUAHUA – For the third consecutive month, new car sales in the state of Chihuahua continued to recover and during May 2021 increased by 123.8% at annual rate.
Data from the Mexican Association of Automotive Distributors (AMDA) show that from 1,063 new cars sold in May 2020, the figure rose to 2,379 in 2021, a difference of 1,316 cars.
Despite this recovery, it has not yet reached pre-pandemic levels. In May 2019, about 2,688 new vehicles were sold, so the current figure is 11.50% below what was recorded in that year.
After 12 consecutive months of negative numbers due to the pandemic, the recovery of light unit sales began in March of this year.
In March it increased by 19% and then rose by 174.40% in April, followed by a increase of 123.80% in May.
At the national level, AMDA reported an increase of 104.4% in the annual comparison, going from 42,019 units sold in May 2020 to 85,897.