
Mexico’s Aerospace Industry Nonstop

Will an aircraft ever make its maiden flight from a factory in Mexico? The global aviation industry is finally in…

5 December, 2011

Chihuahua – The Leader of Industrial Mexico

5 December, 2011

Chihuahua is the industrial leader of Mexico. The State has a wide variety of industrial clusters under development and is…

Sonora – The Most Important Cluster for Aero-Engine Components Manufacturing in Mexico

5 December, 2011

Engine component manufacturing for aerospace initiated in 1999 for the State of Sonora, Mexico. Since then aerospace activities have been…

Monterrey Aerocluster – Professionalizing the Aerospace Industry

5 December, 2011

Nuevo Leon invites you to share in its economic success. This state has stayed one step ahead by organizing industrial…

Canada in Mexico

5 December, 2011

Canada and Mexico have historic ties that have been somewhat in the deep freeze until things started to change for…

Cedric Post – Deputy Director in charge of International Development GIFAS – International affairs

5 December, 2011

What is GIFAS? GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises de l’AĂ©ronautique et Spatiale) is the French Aerospace Industry Association. It was…

Guillermo E. Rishchynski – Canada Ambassador to Mexico

5 December, 2011

How has the commerce between the members of NAFTA evolved in the past 5 years, more specifically between Mexico and…


2 December, 2011

Nov – Dec 2011


3 October, 2011

Sep – Oct 2011

Statistics Issue 53

29 September, 2011

The Knowledge Report No 53

29 September, 2011

Mexico’s Industrial Real Estate Market Overview

North East Zone – Issue 53

29 September, 2011

++daimler++ Daimler will increase production in Mexico Monterrey, Mexico.- Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) announced yesterday plans to increase both,…

Central Zone – Issue 53

29 September, 2011

++mazda++ Mazda confirms plant will be built in Mexico Tokyo, Japan.- Mazda Motor Corp. confirmed last Friday their plans to…

South Zone – Issue 53

29 September, 2011

++accel_logistica++ ACCEL Logistica planning to expand operations in Cancun Mexico City.- The Mexican logistics company ACCEL is analyzing the possibility…

On Mexico Issue 53

29 September, 2011

Bruno Ferrari: “Mexico has very good inflation control, which is a global reference now. There are good indicators on productivity…
