CECyTE Guanajuato students present converted electric car

GUANAJUATO - The Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Guanajuato (CECyTE Guanajuato) has taken a big step in the field of electromobility by presenting its first electric car, the result of the effort and creativity of its students and teachers.
The electric car, which is based on a 2014 Vw Vento model, was transformed from an internal combustion vehicle to a 100% electric one, using parts designed and manufactured by CECyTE Guanajuato's own students and teachers.
The vehicle has a three-phase alternating current motor, can reach a maximum speed of 120 kilometers per hour and can be charged in just two hours. It also represents an ecological and economical alternative for transportation, since it does not emit polluting gases or generate noise.
The project involved the participation of two students and eight students, as well as three teachers from CECyTE Guanajuato, who were trained through courses and certifications such as "Application of Basic Procedures in Electric Vehicles", in the handling of electric vehicles and the design of specialized software.
The electric car was presented at the "Electric Vehicle Conversion Contest - Towards Electric Mobility" and will be exhibited at the Hannover Messe, the world's most important technology fair.