CEWS brings automotive industry to Campeche

CAMPECHE - Automotive company Chihuahua Electrical Wiring Systems (CEWS) has inaugurated its plant in Campeche, which will create more than 2,200 jobs.
The facility will manufacture harnesses for automotive companies such as Kia and Hyundai, according to the company's CEO Gustavo Saucedo.
During the inauguration ceremony, the businessman commented that about a year ago, CEWS began the search for a site to install this plant and chose Campeche among 10 other locations.
"Mainly because of the security, as well as other elements such as the growth in first class infrastructure, the Mayan Train, labour force with well-trained human resources," he said.
He also reiterated her commitment to make CEWS ‘the spearhead’ and pioneers of the automotive industry in the state, and to get more companies to set up in Campeche, so that it can consolidate itself as a great industrial city.
In this regard, the governor of the state, Layda Sansores, stressed that the arrival of CEWS will contribute to the economic diversification of the state, as well as the generation of new jobs.
We have a first factory aimed at the automotive industry, whose entrepreneurs had confidence in Campeche and chose this site to be their home,’ she said.