Chihuahua AutoCluster promotes business in Arizona

PHOENIX – North America Supply Chain Event was held in Phoenix, Arizona, with the support of the AutoCluster of Chihuahua, with the purpose of doing business, providing capabilities and strengthening ties in the automotive industry.
Tarsicio Carreon, president of the Chihuahua Automotive Cluster, thanked the alliance and effort with the global company Sourching Solution of Phoenix, who supported the business connections with the cluster partners.
He emphasized that the disruptive moments that have been experienced in Asia have promoted logistics in the United States, which has made it necessary to strengthen ties with business partners.
Currently, OEMs need robust suppliers to supply them because the ports, including Long Beach, are stagnant and lacking the agility that characterized them, so generating these links with Mexican suppliers allows them to take advantage of the geography for OEMs.
“Where do you find an opportunity to have these meetings with 3 different OEMs in the same business session? It is a real opportunity to have this direct approach with the people who make the decisions in the purchasing department of the corporations” said Sergio Mendoza, president of DESEC and member of the Board of Directors of AutoCluster Chihuahua.
But this is not the only action that the Chihuahua Automotive Cluster has taken, since in early 2021 they integrated new partners from Ciudad Juarez and Cuauhtemoc. This is a strategy to strengthen the presence and representation of the cluster in the state, since, for example, in Ciudad Juarez, there are around 380 companies involved in the automotive sector.
Source: Cluster Industrial