Chihuahua Automotive Cluster boosts the supply of its associates

CHIHUAHUA – The Chihuahua Automotive Cluster has managed to increase the participation of its associates as suppliers by up to 15%, in addition to increasing membership and strategic alliances with other companies.
Jorge Charles, President of the Cluster, informed that the increase in suppliers is related to B2B meetings motivated by the institution and also by the arrival of commercial opportunities from Germany. He also said that Cuauhtémoc and Juarez have new business and that in the central and southern regions there are talks for company openings.
The Chihuahua Automotive Cluster has been representing its associates in seven exhibitions, two of international scope, one national and four local. In addition, strategic alliances have strengthened advisory and consulting services.
The Cluster is an institution made up of government, academia and industry that seeks to empower its members, offering them a clear and solid vision of the future of the automotive industry. Jorge Charles is currently the President and, since June 30, has sought to promote the entity.