Chihuahua companies to promote their products in China

CHIHUAHUA - A total of six Chihuahua companies will participate in the China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2023, to be held from November 5 to 10 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.
The Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development (SIDE) of Chihuahua, in collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development (SDR), announced that the participation is aimed at contributing to the growth, development and competitiveness of companies dedicated to the food, beverage and agricultural products sector with export potential, as well as facilitating state producers to strengthen their businesses and promote global trade.
Chihuahua's Undersecretary of Innovation, Competitiveness and Business Development, Ulises Fernández, highlighted that this event provides the state's companies with the opportunity to access more sophisticated clients and markets, which allows them to significantly increase their competitiveness.
Patricia Jurado, Director of Agribusiness of the Ministry of Rural Development, highlighted that "It is a source of pride that such representative products are taken to an international level, since in addition to directly benefiting these companies that will be participating, they set a benchmark and example that the work in our state transcends borders".
The state companies will participate in the pavilion led and organized by the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology (COMCE), where they will offer their products with high demand in the Chinese market, opening possibilities in the linkage with buyers and international companies.
The experience will also enable them to learn about market trends and characteristics, present their products, enter new distribution channels and keep abreast of consumer preferences and habits.
Agropecuaria del Consuelo S.A de C.V (AGROCOSA) from the municipality of Meoqui; Astorga Foods Ingredients S. de RL. de C.V, from Chihuahua; GYM International S.A de C.V, from Saucillo; Sotolera Hacienda de Ángeles SPR de RL de CV (ALAQUA), from Camargo; Churro Time, from Ciudad Juárez; and RUNUSA S.A de C.V, from the municipality of Delicias will participate in the international fair.
In addition, the Government of Chihuahua will provide participating companies with exhibition space, operational services, business agenda, administrative expenses and a business workshop.