Chihuahua presented strategy to promote local sourcing among women entrepreneurs

CHIHUAHUA - The Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development (SIDE) of Chihuahua presented a strategy to continue promoting economic growth and strengthening the local supply chain.
Ulises Fernández Gamboa, head of the agency, explained to members of the Mexican Association of Women Heads of Business (AMMJE Chihuahua), the projections for the future of the industry and the economy of the state, based on the business opportunities that have recently arrived.
The official highlighted that currently the most important investments in technological development worldwide have to do with the semiconductor, electromobility and microelectronics and electronics industries.
Fernandez explained that the aim is to create the conditions to take advantage of and attract projects specifically related to these areas.
"We seek to capitalize on the capabilities we have in the different sectors, we want to move towards electromobility, software development, towards the issue of advanced manufacturing and transversely work on decarbonized industry and the circular economy," he commented.
He added that Chihuahua has consolidated mainly in four sectors: automotive, aerospace, electric-electronic and medical devices, which represent the future of financial development.
During the meeting, those present highlighted that the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) currently ranks Chihuahua as a national leader in innovation and economy. In addition, the state is the largest exporter in the country and has the first place nationally in IMMEX employment.
The meeting was attended by the president of AMMJE Chihuahua, Lorena López Gutiérrez, as well as members of the civil association, businesswomen and entrepreneurs.