Chihuahua ranks first in automotive industry jobs

CHIHUAHUA. CHIH – Of the total number of people employed in the state, 18% belong to the automotive manufacturing industry, according to figures from the Centro de Información de Economia Social (CIES) and the Promotora de para el Desarrollo del Estado de Chihuahua (Prodech).
In the coming months, four new investment projects are expected to be announced, which are expected to generate more than 8,900 jobs for the municipalities of Chihuahua, Juárez and Cuauhtémoc.
The state ranks 4th in the country as the largest exporter of auto parts, reaching an annual average of more than US$12 billion, equivalent to 20% of total exports. Companies in the automotive and auto parts sector rank 5th in attracting investment to the state.
The agency announced that in 2021 it received Foreign Direct Investment of US$1.902 billion, of which 22.1% corresponds to the automotive manufacturing industry.
The plants located in Chihuahua manufacture horns, seats, harnesses, radiators, filters, headlights, climate systems, sensors, connectors, airbags, gas pumps, engines, steering wheels, aluminum rims, among others.