Coahuila and Durango strengthen their relationship with the U.S.

COAHUILA - In order to strengthen the relationship with the United States, the governors of Coahuila, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, and Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, held a meeting with the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, where they agreed to continue working together on issues of interest to both nations.
During the meeting held in the city of Torreon, Jimenez remarked the willingness to continue working in a coordinated manner on security, migration, economic development, agricultural, educational and cultural issues with the United States. In addition, the meeting highlighted that there is a very close relationship with the State of Texas, with whom several joint activities are planned within the framework of the 200th anniversary of the creation of the State of Coahuila and Texas.
On the subject of security and migration, the coordinated work was highlighted, which has led to good results and indicators.
“We have achieved a very successful operation of collaboration between both countries, with institutions of Mexico and the United States, and there are the good results, however it is an issue in which we must not lower our guard,” said Jimenez.
In economic development, it was highlighted in the meeting that there is a great relationship with American companies working in Coahuila, and they are seeking to strengthen the automotive and agri-food industries in the Laguna region in both states.
Likewise, he requested support for the zoosanitary review and to increase the level of cattle exports to the United States.
The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, pointed out that this is a fortunate moment in the binational relationship.
“The plan for us with Mexico is through 2030, on these priority issues. We are the largest trading partners in the entire history of the world, we have very strong support to continue with this economic integration,” Salazar said.
He added that the teams of both entities and the embassy will work hand in hand to carry out actions, strategies and projects that reflect the union and are of benefit to both nations.
For his part, the governor of Durango, Esteban Villegas Villarreal, said that Durango and Coahuila maintain a joint work by sharing the Laguna region, seeking to strengthen both entities in the areas of economic development and security.
Villegas said that such coordinated work is the basis for new commercial and development opportunities, such as the northern economic corridor.
Also present at the meeting was Roger Rigaud, Consul General of the United States in Monterrey, who highlighted the joint actions and activities between Coahuila and the United States.