Coclisa’s 40th anniversary celebrated in Juarez

JUAREZ, CHIH - Hanon Sistems Coclisa held its 40th anniversary celebrations in Ciudad Juarez, in the company of collaborators and local authorities.
Currently, Coclisa is made up of 3,500 workers and has five facilities in the border city; in addition, of the 53 plants in the world, the largest is located in Juarez.
The Municipal President, Cruz Perez Cuellar, joined the 40th anniversary celebrations and indicated that it is a source of pride and happiness to know that they are celebrating four decades of service, he also thanked the company for providing employment to the people of Juarez.
During his participation, he recognized the workers in general, but mainly those who have been with the company for more than 25 years, since they have been building an industrial tradition in Juarez and are part of the best workforce in the world, just what distinguishes this border.
Frederic Floy, Coclisa's vice president of operations in the Americas, welcomed the mayor and indicated that the automotive company started in 1984 with 25 technicians and 13 administrative employees.
As part of the celebrations, the Mayor presented a recognition to the company on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its creation; he also participated in the unveiling of the plaque of the maquiladora.
The ceremony was attended by Claudia Verónica Morales Medina, General Director of Urban Development, and Tania Maldonado Garduño, head of Economic Development; the company was represented by Isaac Salcido, head of Mexico Control; Luis Leal, Paso del Norte plant manager; Rubén Arellano, San Lorenzo plant manager; Miguel Quiñones, Santa Fe plant manager; Ricardo Contreras, human resources manager; and Aldo Galarza, materials leader.