Colima Airport obtains Environmental Quality Certification

COLIMA - The Colima National Airport reached a significant milestone by obtaining "Environmental Quality" certification from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA).
This achievement is attributable to the airport's strict compliance with environmental regulations and the solid environmental performance demonstrated in its operations.
The airport, which is operated and managed by Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares (ASA), indicated that this is part of its firm commitment to the preservation of the natural environment and social well-being.
"ASA has embraced the task of carrying out all its activities in accordance with environmentally friendly practices," he said.
He added that in line with this purpose, the airport voluntarily participated in the National Environmental Audit Program (PNAA), an initiative that seeks to recognize and record the environmental commitment assumed by entities under the guidelines of the environmental authority.
Through this participation, Colima Airport has ensured effective compliance with current environmental regulations.