Congressmen approve reform in space matters

MEXICO - The Mexican Space Agency (AEM), as part of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), informed that the Chamber of Deputies approved a constitutional reform on space matters, which modifies articles 28 and 73 of the Constitution, which address the regulation of outer space activities.
The general director of the AEM, Salvador Landeros Ayala, acknowledged the will of the legislative branch to achieve this governmental innovation, for the first time in the history of our country.
"The legislative scaffolding that will allow the development of space activities related to industry, energy, telecommunications, health, agriculture, environment, urban development, climate change, natural disasters, and more," he said.
The ruling, which was approved with 462 votes in favor, zero against and 25 abstentions, and was sent to the Senate for its constitutional effects, highlights that space technology will be able to contribute to finding solutions to social problems, hand in hand with current technological development.
This advanced constitutional reform, achieved after four years of hard work by the LXIV and LXV Legislatures, is the result of cooperation, highlighted the deputy and president of the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission in San Lazaro, Javier Lopez Casarin.
By virtue of the approved ruling, and in line with the current digital era in the world, activities in outer space, including on the Moon and celestial bodies, will now be considered priority areas for national development under the terms of the Constitution.